Produse pentru industrie chimică românească (2)

Syntech Acid Resistant: Rezistent la substanțe chimice, acoperire epoxidică bicomponentă

Syntech Acid Resistant: Rezistent la substanțe chimice, acoperire epoxidică bicomponentă

Syntech Acid Resistant Chemical-resistant coating based on modified epoxy phenolic resins, for the protection of walls, floors and concrete, steel and fiberglass structures. Two-component epoxy phenolic resin, applicable by spray, roller or spatula, for the coating and waterproof protection of structures subject to strong chemical aggression. Property: high mechanical and abrasion resistance, high adhesion to surfaces good elasticity high chemical resistance to acids, bases and solvents very high tenacity and ease of cleaning and maintenance high chemical resistance to petrol, fuels and hydraulic oil applicable in thick layers, even several times. Industrial floors in concrete. Waste water purification tanks and related technical rooms. Tanks, ducts and food containers. Digesters and plants for the production of biogas. Coating of pipes and liquid containment tanks. Water treatment, purification and distribution plants. Containers of acidic and basic substances. Stables, milking rooms, veterinary rooms, slaughterhouses. Analysis laboratories, warehouses, raw material storage areas and production areas. Containment tanks for accidental spills of petroleum products, chemicals and food products. Protective coating of floors and walls of food, dairy, wine, breweries, distilleries, oil mills, oil mills. As a primer: 0.20 - 0.25 kg of Syntech Acid Resistant for each square meter of surface to be primed. As a coating: 0.40 kg of Syntech Acid Resistant for each square meter of surface to be coated. Can 6.7 kg [A] - Can 3.3 kg [B] - Kit: 1 Can 6.7 kg [A] + 1 Can 3.3 kg [B]
Umplutură semiautomatică Fillchem

Umplutură semiautomatică Fillchem

Riempitrice semiautomatica per prodotti chimici e cosmetici Completa di: - Telaio e parti metalliche in acciaio inox aisi 304, su piedi o ruote - Piano di appoggio regolabile in altezza - Gruppo conta litri tipo 'flow-meter' interfacciato con PLC per controllo dosata - Alimentazione prodotto con pompe rotative con corpo in acciaio inox aisi 304 - Scheda elettronica con display per impostazione dosata e taratura dei parametri di lavoro - Pulsante manuale o pedale per avvio ciclo di riempimento e stop al raggiungimento dei litri impostati - Potenziometro per regolazione della velocità di flusso, con rallentamento nella fase terminale - Quadro elettrico completo di: interruttore generale on/off, pulsante di start, spia presenza tensione, selettore manuale/automatico - Possibilità di riempimento dal fondo con ugello tuffante per prodotti schiumosi Produzione oraria: circa 200 x 5L.